Encelia farinosa  Brittlebush, Incienso
SUBSHRUB.  A compact shrub with large triangular white-fuzzy leaves and pale, fragile branches that break easily.  New growth appears in spring and again after summer rain.  Yellow daisylike flowers on tall stalks, high above leaves, followed by fringed black seeds.  Flowers usually have orange or yellow centers, but a variety with large, high-domed purple centers, previously described from southwestern Arizona, has been planted along roadsides and now both varieties can be expected southeast of Tucson.  In the Empires, found on low, sandy flats and on dry hillsides among saguaros.  May freeze back nearly to the ground in winter, but quickly grows back in spring.  Sticky yellow gum can be used as incense.
FAMILY:  Asteraceae (Composite or Daisy Family)