Cryptantha micrantha  Redroot Hiddenflower
ANNUAL.  Calyces each with a tiny leafy bract, crowded at the ends of long bare stems.  Leaves small and sparse, narrowly spatulate, singly or in pairs where stems divide.  Roots and lower part of stem are stained with a reddish dye (may not be noticeable in extremly dry conditions).  Plants are smaller, more bare and spindly looking than other Cryptantha.
FAMILY:  Boraginaceae (Forget-me-not Family)

Cryptantha species have tiny white five-petaled flowers that are often hidden in the urn-shaped bristly calyces that crowd the stem.  Plants are inconspicuous unless they appear in large numbers, as they often do on disturbed ground in early spring.  Several species are usually found growing together, often with Lappula and one or more Pectocarya species.  Most species look very similar and are quite variable in size and growth form depending on availability of water and the age of the plant.  They are difficult to identify, requiring careful examination of the bracts, seeds, and growth habit.