Abutilon parvulum  Trailing Indian Mallow
PERENNIAL.  Weak, trailing stems lay on the ground or on other plants. Leaves green, thin, slightly fuzzy, arrow-shaped with coarse, irregular teeth. Flowers orange-yellow to bright orange.  Base of petal is not spotted. Sepals are about the same length as the petals.  Seedpod is rounded, has 7 or fewer carpels, with a short recurved point at the tip of each carpel.  Shady, undisturbed places under shrubs, beside boulders, etc.  Common in the Empires in small canyon washes. Blooms all summer.  Herissantia crispa (Bladder Mallow) is superficially similar and is found in the same places, but flowers are lighter in color or white, and pods are inflated, papery, flattened spheres.
FAMILY:  Malvaceae